A professional training and certification for coaches, therapists, holistic practitioners, and yoga teachers. 40 CE hours accredited with the American Psychological Association, BBS & Yoga Alliance.

2023 Sessions Start Dates: July 29 (Sold Out), Sept. 30 (Now Registering)


An Immersive,
9-Week Online Training

Trauma-informed care is revolutionizing the world of therapy and wellness. Establish a strong foundation in leading trauma-informed therapies and learn to build a thriving business doing life’s most meaningful work.

Approved For Continuing Education.

Our Level 1 training is accredited for 40 hours of continuing education with the American Psychological Association, Board of Behavioral Sciences, the California Board of Nurses and Yoga Alliance.


What our students are saying

6 Leading Trauma Modalities

The Aura Institute trainings brings you to a competent level in 6 of the leading integrative trauma-informed therapies.

Aura Level 1: Foundational Tools - 58 Hours
Aura Level 2: Advanced Therapies - 70 Hours

This Training Is For:

  • Therapists & Social Workers

    Learn to offer alternative modalities and move towards building a cash-based practice.

  • Holistic Practitioners & Healers

    Make your services more integrative by offering new modalities to existing clients.

  • Yoga Teachers & Massage Therapists

    You don’t need to be a practitioner to take our trainings. This training is also for those wanting to heal trauma in their own life.

  • Doctors, Nurse & First Responders

    Learn new ways to connect with patients and help them get to the root cause of chronic illness.

  • School Teachers

    Learning trauma-based therapies can revolutionize your relationship with students in the classroom.

  • Coaches & Mentors

    Connect with your clients in new, deeper ways and dramatically improve client retention.

Preview the Course

Try out the first few sessions free to see if this training is right for you.

Training Overview

Do you want to add innovative trauma-informed modalities to your work with clients? Do you want to build a business offering deeper, more meaningful work to your community?

Body-based trauma therapies are an exciting new paradigm of mental health with the potential to revolutionize the world.

While talk therapy is beneficial, it ignores the body, which is equally important in processing trauma. This training gives students a rich and comprehensive framework for understanding and addressing trauma from a more holistic, mind-body approach.

Body-based trauma modalities open up new dimensions of work to offer to clients and your community. It empowers practitioners with tools to give clients deep, visceral life transformations.

This training is equal parts head and heart. It’s run more like a group journey than a classroom. The modules include a combination of lectures, live demonstrations, and guided practice sessions.

Mastering body-based modalities requires direct experiences as well as refined somatic awareness. This training is experience-rich, equal parts demonstration and theory. As embodied practitioners, we invite you to directly experience transformative power for yourself. You’ll stay connected to students and leaders through our class portal during the course.

Developing skill as a practitioner is essential. However, those skills are meaningless unless you can attract and retain paying clients. While this training is primarily about developing your skills as a healer, this training will also arm you with practical tools that can make your investment in this training pay off almost immediately.

This foundation-level training for both existing practitioners and those new to the field. To join this program, you do not need to be a therapist, social worker, or doctor.


  • Where: LIVE online classes via Zoom.
  • Course Length: Level-1: 9 Weeks
    Level-2: 10 Weeks
  • Upcoming Level 1 Dates: July 29 - September 24: Level-1 (Sold Out)
    Sept 30 - Nov 26: (Now Registering)
  • Upcoming Level 2 Dates: October 28 - January 14
  • Class Times: Saturday & Sunday 8AM-11AM PST (4PM-7PM London)
  • Total Hours: 58 Hours (Level 1)
    70 Hours (Level 2)
  • Certifications & Credits: Certified Integrative Trauma Coach (Level 1)
    Certified Integrative Trauma Practitioner (Level 2)

The Modalities

We’ve carefully selected three modalities for our ITC Level 1 training because they are both effective and applicable in real-world one-on-one client settings. These modalities create a strong foundation for any trauma-informed practice.
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    Somatic Therapy

    • Somatic therapy is quite literally a new way to experience your body. Most people interpret life experiences through their mind. For example, in a traditional therapy session, a client who experienced childhood trauma is guided to pull up images and residual memories of the experience.
    • Somatic therapy directs us away from processing these memories through the mind and instead directs us into the body’s present experience and emotions. By tuning into the immediate sensation, the present emotions and physical sensations can be shifted. Tuning into these sensations, somatic therapy offers us a variety of techniques to move energy throughout the body. Somatic therapy is very nuanced and can require a lifetime of study.
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    Mindfulness / Meditation

    • Somatic therapy is quite literally a new way to experience your body. Most people interpret life experiences through their mind. For example, in a traditional therapy session, a client who experienced childhood trauma is guided to pull up images and residual memories of the experience.
    • Somatic therapy directs us away from processing these memories through the mind and instead directs us into the body’s present experience and emotions. By tuning into the immediate sensation, the present emotions and physical sensations can be shifted. Tuning into these sensations, somatic therapy offers us a variety of techniques to move energy throughout the body. Somatic therapy is very nuanced and can require a lifetime of study.
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    BioDynamic Trauma-Release Breathwork

    • Somatic therapy is quite literally a new way to experience your body. Most people interpret life experiences through their mind. For example, in a traditional therapy session, a client who experienced childhood trauma is guided to pull up images and residual memories of the experience.
    • Somatic therapy directs us away from processing these memories through the mind and instead directs us into the body’s present experience and emotions. By tuning into the immediate sensation, the present emotions and physical sensations can be shifted. Tuning into these sensations, somatic therapy offers us a variety of techniques to move energy throughout the body. Somatic therapy is very nuanced and can require a lifetime of study.

Small Group

All our trauma trainings now include optional bi-weekly small group mentoring with one of our senior therapists. You’ll have an opportunity to practice leading sessions and receive valuable feedback to improve your skills.


Watch a Preview Session

Curious what our training is like? Watch the introductory session from our last training.

Training & Certifications


Foundational Tools- 58 Hours

The Aura 50-hour Level-1 Certification Program is designed to provide a strong foundation for body-based practices. Certified Integrative Trauma Coach

  • Creating safe space & using heart-centered communication
  • Mindfulness As a Foundation For All Practice
  • The Nervous System & Polyvagal Theory
  • BioDynamic Breathwork for Trauma Release - 6 components (breath,
    movement, touch, emotional expression, sound and meditation)
  • Active Meditations - Leading & Practicing (3 Techniques)
  • Somatic Experiencing Techniques - Practicing and Guiding
    Titration and Pendulation
  • Application of the trauma-informed approach in real-world client settings.
  • Building a Thriving Cash-Based Business - Strategy, Marketing & Client Retention

Advanced Therapies - 70 Hours
(Must Complete Level 1)

Our 65-hour Level-2 Certification program introduces new modalities, while moving into advanced levels of breathwork and somatics. Level 2 has significantly more hours devoted to guided practice and real-world application. Certified Integrative Trauma Practitioner

  • Parts healing & integration and mapping the subtle body.
  • Reseting the Amygdala (Fear Center) and developing vagal nerve tone.
  • Techniques to bring the Flight, Fight, & Freeze response back to a stable baseline
  • Body Trauma Liberation (BTL™) - Practicing & Leading
  • Advanced breathwork - leading individual and group sessions.
  • Guiding clients into body-based somatic practices
  • Instructor guided on-on-one practice sessions
  • Developing deeper relationships with clients & building a long-term practice.

Scientific Evidence For Somatics & Trauma-Informed Practices:

  • Professionals trained in Somatic Experiencing have a significant increase in self-reported measures of resilience in the workplace, including quality of life and lowered anxiety.

  • A meta-analysis published in 2022 in the Journal of Traumatic Stress found that a trauma-informed therapy called "Trauma Recovery and Empowerment Model (TREM)" demonstrated statistically significant effects on PTSD, anxiety, and substance use.

  • A randomized controlled trial from 2016 published in the Journal of Trauma and Dissociation found that SE was effective in reducing symptoms of PTSD and improving overall well-being in a group of individuals with a history of complex trauma.

  • A study from 2017, published in the Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, found that SE was effective in reducing symptoms of PTSD and improving overall well-being in a group of veterans with a history of military-related trauma.

Why Become an Integrative Trauma Practitioner?


Offer New, Innovative Modalities To Clients

Expand the scope of your practice and help clients with deeper personal issues.


Develop Competency with Trauma

Everyone has trauma. It’s essential for practitioners of all kinds to work with a trauma-informed lens.


Advance Client Care amd Results

Give your clients dramatic new results to help them transform their lives.


Grow Your Practice

Learn to transition into a cash-based, telehealth-based model that allows you to work from anywhere.

Training Cost & Payment Plans:

Payment plans are available to all students.

Level 1 Certification


Early Bird (Deposit paid 60 days
before start date): $2,450

Level 2 Certification


Early Bird (Deposit paid 60 days
before start date): $2,900

Level 1 Certification


$1,200 Discount - Paid up front
$500 deposit to reserve a spot
$200 discount for referring a friend


Building a Thriving Mental
Health Practice

The Aura Institute is unique in that we prioritize preparation for real-world practice. We go beyond conventional education to help our trainees with the essential \business training for running a private practice.

Investing in your education as a practitioner is meaningless unless you can learn to attract and retain cash-paying clients. For most practitioners, the hardest part is generating clients consistently. When you figure this out, the rest tends to take care of itself.

This comprehensive course walks you through a proven, guided system to develop consistent cash-paying clients, primarily from digital marketing. It requires little maintenance once set up. Perhaps best of all, it does not require you to be an Instagram influencer :)

This business training module is led by Adam Carney, the founder of East+West, one of the largest yoga teacher training schools in the world, and Wisdom,, a venture-backed company that helps holistic practitioners connect with patients dealing with chronic disease

This module includes:


A proven, replicable online marketing plan that generates new clients.


A comprehensive, optimized, pre-built website template with walkthroughs and guides.


Pre-built, optimized client package structures so you can move clients from one-off sessions into long-term clients.


New client intake forms & basic legal guidance, including a basic client contract (we do not act as legal counsel).

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I take this training if I don’t want to be a professional, but for personal reasons?
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What are the pre-reqs to take this training?
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What If I Have To Miss a Live Session?
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Can I apply for my DONA certification after completing this training?
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What Are The Professional Titles I Can Use After Completion?
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What can I do with this Certification?
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What Will The ITP Certification Get Me?
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Schedule a free zoom call
with our program coordinator

Learn more about our certification. Get your questions answered.