
What is a Holistic Pregnancy & Birth Practitioner (PBP)™?

A Holistic Pregnancy and Birth Practitioner™ is a combination of a holistic health coach, doula, and birth companion. This training includes traditional doula training, and also trains you with comprehensive knowledge in all aspects of the birthing process, including:


Hormonal Optimization in all phases of pregnancy,<br> preconception, and postpartum.


Optimal Nutrition for fertility, healthy child<br> development, and lactation.


Coordinating care between doctors,<br> nurses, and families.


Setting up an alternative birth environment.


Evidence-based lifestyle practices for optimal<br> health throughout all phases.

$69,904 per year

Average Annual Salary for Pregnancy Support


This Training Is For:

  • Doulas & Newborn Care Specialists

    This training expands and fills in many of the crucial gaps not covered in conventional doula training.

  • Yoga Teachers & Massage Therapists

    Expand your capacities to support women in deeper, more meaningful ways.

  • Coaches & Mentors

    Offer coaching to women even as they go through pregnancy by supporting them with holistic health.

  • Nurses, Nurse Practitioners,
    and Medical Assistants

    Develop a new career helping women during the most meaningful period of their life.

  • Holistic Practitioners & Healers

    Develop new sources of clients by offering integrative support to women in their pregnancy process.

  • Expecting Mothers

    Not interested in being a professional? We have many expecting mothers who take our training just to ensure their own healthy pregnancy.

Read the Ultimate Guide to Doula Certifications

Learn Fertility, Pregnancy, and Birthing from a Holistic Perspective

Our curriculum prepares you to build a thriving career working as a “point guard” for families in coordinating their pregnancy and birthing process.


Training Overview

Do you want to build a career supporting women with holistic health in all aspects of pregnancy and childbirth?

Pregnancy and childbirth are some of the most meaningful times in a woman’s life. This training is the first of its kind, preparing you to support women holistically in all aspects of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

Medical care for pregnancy is abysmal, and health outcomes in the US for childbirth are among the lowest among developed nations. This is primarily because the US lacks a holistic approach that supports mothers in mind, body, and spirit throughout the process.

Our practitioners are trained to build relationships with mothers early in the pregnancy process and develop competency in all aspects of the pregnancy and childbirth process. We train you to guide expecting families with science, emotional support, and meaningful health practices along the way.

Traditional doula training requires you to piece together many small modules over many years to develop a full scope of practice. The Aura Holistic Pregnancy & Birth Training puts all these modules into one fast-tracked process that gives you comprehensive knowledge in all phases of the pregnancy process. Birth professionals have never been in higher demand. This training will guide you as you develop a thriving career as a pregnancy facilitator, either starting your own practice or working in a holistic birth clinic.

Seeking Insurance Reimbursement as a Doula:

After completing our level 1 & 2 training, our practitioners can help you submit your certification and meet the requirements to seek Medicaid reimbursement.

Six states (Oregon, Minnesota, New Jersey, Florida, Maryland, and Virginia) have Medicaid plans that reimburse patients for doula services.

Six states (California, Washington D.C., Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, & Rhode Island) plan to get CMS approval to implement doula coverage in Medicaid in 2022 and 2023


    • Where:
      LIVE online classes via Zoom.
    • Course Length:
      9 Weeks (54 hours)
    • Upcoming Sessions:
      Sep 23 – Nov 18
      Jan 6 – March 2
    • Class Times:
      Saturday & Sunday, 8 AM-11 AM PST (4 PM-7 PM London)
      every week except for two immersion weekends:
      Oct 13-15 and Nov 3-5 (8-12 pm PST)
    • Certifications
      Certified Holistic Pregnancy & Birth Practitioner™
      All graduates can seek DONA doula certification through DONA International.

Curriculum Overview

Unlike traditional doula training, this training covers a full spectrum of pregnancy care from pre-conception all the way through the newborn’s first 12 weeks.
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    Pregnancy Period

      • Building relationships with clients as a Pregnancy and Birth Practitioner to direct their pregnancy process holistically.
      • How to help families build and select their care team, including their doctor and midwife.
      • Deciding between home birth and hospital birth.
      • Hormonal optimizations, balancing hormones, and how to prevent/manage PCOS (lost cycle) with a holistic approach.
      • Functional nutrition to optimize mother’s health during the entire pregnancy process & to enhance lactation.
      • Hormonal changes and important health practices during trimesters 1 & 2.
      • Physiological changes and movement management during 3rd trimester.
      • Health checklists for every stage of pregnancy.
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    Birthing Process

      • Emotional and physical support for women during their birthing process.
      • Comfort measures and non-pharmacologic techniques for pain management and labor enhancement.
      • The long-term impact and significance of the birth experience.
      • The impact of common medical interventions on labor and the doula’s role in assisting with informed decision-making.
      • DONA Code of Ethics (COE) and Standards of Practice (scope of practice) for the doula.
      • Epidural support and positioning.
      • Working with doctors, midwives, and nurses.
      • Creating a team atmosphere in the labor room.
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    Postpartum Care

      • Lactation science & practice.
      • Sleep management & optimization for both mother and child. Checklist and preparations for new mothers post-birth.
      • Nervous system regulation and attunement with the child.
      • Transitioning into the home & essentials of newborn care.
      • Postpartum Mood Disorders and common physical and emotional changes in the Postpartum period.

Building a Thriving
Wellness Practice

We go beyond conventional education to help our trainees with the essential business training for running a private practice. Doula’s are in extremely high demand, yet many new practitioner struggle to gain new clients.

This comprehensive course walks you through a proven, guided system to develop consistent clients entirely from scratch.

This business training module is led by Adam Carney, the founder of East+West, one of the largest yoga teacher training schools in the world, and Wisdom,, a venture-backed company that helps holistic practitioners connect with patients dealing with chronic disease.

This module includes:


A proven, replicable online marketing plan that generates new clients.


A comprehensive, optimized, pre-built website template with walkthroughs and guides.


Pre-built, optimized client package structures so you can move clients from one-off sessions into long-term clients.


New client intake forms & basic legal guidance, including a basic client contract (we do not act as legal counsel).

Training Cost & Payment Plans

Payment plans are available to all students. $350 discount for signing up and paying in full 60 days before the training start date.

Training Price:


$500 deposit to reserve a spot.
$200 discount for referring a friend.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I take this training if I don’t want to be a professional, but for personal reasons?
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What are the pre-reqs to take this training?
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What If I Have To Miss a Live Session?
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Can I apply for my DONA certification after completing this training?
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What Are The Professional Titles I Can Use After Completion?
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What can I do with this Certification?
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What Will The ITP Certification Get Me?
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with our program coordinator

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